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Troubleshooting Common Pool Problems: A Handy Guide for Pool Owners

December 1, 2023
Swimming pool service and equipment with swimming pool background.

Owning a pool can be a dream come true for many homeowners. Not only does it offer a refreshing escape from the scorching heat, but it also provides a multitude of benefits that enhance your overall lifestyle. However, before diving into the world of pool ownership, it’s important to understand what it entails and how to properly maintain your swimming pool. In this blog, we’ll discuss how to troubleshoot common problems you may encounter with your pool and how SPS PoolCare can help so you won’t be blindsided when something goes wrong.

Essential Pool Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is crucial for keeping your swimming pool water crystal clear and inviting. Regular cleaning is vital to maintaining clean water in the pool. This includes skimming the water’s surface to remove leaves, debris, and insects. Additionally, vacuuming the pool floor and walls helps eliminate dirt and algae buildup.

Maintaining proper chemical balance is another important aspect of pool cleaning and maintenance. Regularly test the water’s pH levels and adjust them as needed using appropriate chemicals. This ensures that the water remains balanced, preventing issues such as cloudy water or skin irritation.

Don’t forget about filtration! Clean or backwash your pool filter regularly to ensure optimal performance. A well-functioning filter plays a vital role in removing impurities from the water. By following these essential pool cleaning and maintenance tips, you can enjoy sparkling clear water all year long while ensuring a safe swimming environment for yourself and your family.

Hotel staff worker cleaning the pool

Dealing With Common Pool Issues

If you’ve found yourself with continuous pool issues, even after upkeep and maintenance, try some of these quick troubleshooting tips for pools.

Cloudy Water

Cloudy water is a common pool issue and can be caused by various factors such as improper filtration, unbalanced pH levels, or insufficient sanitizer levels. To troubleshoot this problem, check your filtration system and ensure it is functioning properly. Test the water chemistry and adjust the pH levels accordingly.

Algae Growth

Algae growth can turn a sparkling pool into a green mess. This problem is often caused by poor circulation, inadequate sanitization, or imbalanced chemical levels. To tackle algae growth, brush and vacuum the affected areas to remove visible algae. Shock the pool with an appropriate amount of chlorine to kill any remaining algae spores.

Low Water Level

If you notice your pool’s water level is consistently dropping, there may be a leak present. Inspect your pool for any visible cracks or tears in the lining or plumbing system. If you suspect a leak but can’t locate it visually, try performing a bucket test.

To perform a bucket test, first, fill a bucket with water and mark the water level inside and outside of the bucket. Then, place the bucket on one of your steps in the pool so it sits at the same level as the surface of your pool water without submerging it completely. Continue to monitor both levels for 24 hours. If both decrease at similar rates, there might be an evaporation issue rather than an actual leak.

Equipment Malfunction

Pool equipment such as pumps, filters, or heaters may occasionally experience malfunctions that affect their performance. If you notice unusual noises coming from your equipment or if they fail to operate correctly, check for clogged filters or debris that may be obstructing the system. If the issue persists, consult your local SPS PoolCare branch to diagnose and repair any equipment problems.

Get Pool Care Services With SPS PoolCare

When you need professional and reliable pool care services, look no further than SPS PoolCare. With our expertise in pool cleaning and repair services, we can ensure your pool remains clean, safe, and well-maintained throughout the year. By opting for our pool cleaning services, you can enjoy a hassle-free swimming experience without worrying about the tedious task of maintaining your pool. Their team of skilled professionals will handle all aspects of pool cleaning, from skimming leaves and debris to balancing chemicals and ensuring proper filtration. Make owning your pool a joy, and contact us for your pool services today!

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