How much does pool maintenance cost in Houston, Texas?
Texans know the Lone Star State’s sunny weather often calls for a cool dip in the pool, and having a pool at home is like having your own personal haven where you can bask in the sun and unwind. However, caring for your pool is crucial to keeping the water clean and safe. Pool maintenance services cost differently depending on pool size, type, and condition. In Houston, PoolTec offers an all-inclusive monthly package as low as $230.
Can you repair a pool without draining it?
Yes, pools can be repaired without draining, saving time and water—but don’t worry about doing this all yourself. PoolTec has got you covered with top-notch pool repairs in Houston. Leaks can be patched with underwater compounds like pool putty, cracks can be filled with epoxy or rubber-based fillers, and even waterproof silicone or vinyl patches can make simple repairs.
Can pool cracks be repaired?
If you have pool cracks, you can count on the PoolTec team in Houston. Pool cracks can be effectively repaired, and the methods used for repair vary depending on the severity of the crack. We use a range of repair techniques, including putty, epoxy, rubber fillers, silicone, and vinyl patches. Call PoolTec to receive a quote for the repair of the cracks in your pool.